Sam Houston gift and essay

Ronald Rundberg
Posted 7/18/19

Earlier this month I traveled to Sealy and visited your The Sealy News office. You were not there. I spoke with Patricia Catano.

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Sam Houston gift and essay


Dear Karen,
Earlier this month I traveled to Sealy and visited your The Sealy News office. You were not there. I spoke with Patricia Catano.
I left that little statue of Sam Houston with Patricia as a gift for you along with an essay which I had previously written on Sam Houston and his statue in Huntsville. You are certainly welcome to it. You are not obligated to me in any way. I don’t expect you to publish my essay. I am just a freelance writer and I enjoy writing about Texas history. Again, thank you for publishing my essay on San Felipe de Austin previously.
I bought a copy of The Sealy News, the issue of June 13. I was surprised and delighted to see the article by wildlife biologist Michael Morrow of the APCNWR on page A6. I have known Mike for almost 20 years. He is probably the world’s foremost expert on the endangered Attwater’s prairie chickens. Thanks for publishing that article to give the bird and its national refuge at Eagle Lake, Texas, more exposure. Adios.
Sincerely, with best wishes,
Ronald Rundberg,
Former Sealy resident and volunteer at the APCNWR