The US Small Business Administration has acted under its own authority to declare a disaster after a propylene explosion at Watson Grinding and Manufacturing Jan. 24 according to an SBA press release. The declaration allows the government body to offer financial assistance to those affected by the blast.
"SBA is strongly committed to providing Texas with the most effective and customer-focused response possible, and we will be there to provide access to federal disaster loans to help finance recovery for businesses and residents affected by the disaster," said Jovita Carranza, an administrator with the SBA.
The declaration makes it possible for the SBA to offer low-interest federal disaster loans to businesses of all sizes as well as most nonprofits, homeowners and renters whose property was damaged or destroyed by the disaster, said SBA Director Tanya Garfield.
"Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 19, SBA disaster recovery specialists will be on hand at the … Disaster Loan Outreach Center to answer questions about SBA's disaster loan program, explain the application process and help each individual complete their application," Garfield said.
Those affected by the blast can stop by the outreach center located at the Brenda and John Duncan YMCA in multipurpose room B at 10655 Clay Road in Houston. The facility will be open Tues. through Sat. from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. through March 5.