KISD to host ‘Men Who Mentor’ breakfast on Jan. 24

Posted 1/12/25

Calling all men to bring a friend and join Katy ISD for the "guys only" KEYS Mentor event!

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KISD to host ‘Men Who Mentor’ breakfast on Jan. 24


Calling all men to bring a friend and join Katy ISD for the "guys only" KEYS Mentor event!

KISD invites men of the community to join the KEYS mentoring program (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success) in order to provide strong role models for students. “Men Who Mentor” is an informative session which describes the role of community volunteers who work with assigned students.

The event will be held on January 24 from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. and will include a free breakfast.

Festivities will take place at the district’s Professional Development Annex, 6361 S. Stadium Lane in Katy, located across from the Merrell Center. RSVP at

Offered at every campus at every grade level, the KEYS Mentor Program’s primary focus is on relationship building, rather than tutoring, according to the district’s website. Teachers, counselors and school administrators identify students who are good candidates for the program, while Katy ISD Partners in Education recruits mentors from the community.

KEYS mentors come from varied backgrounds, experiences and age groups. Each KEYS mentor must make a one school year commitment to the program, apply and pass the same criminal background check used for Katy ISD employees and attend a campus orientation. Mentors are placed with a student by the KEYS campus liaison who will support and supervise the relationship. Mentors and their mentees meet each week on campus in an open, monitored environment such as the library.

Katy ISD, KEYS Mentor event, Professional Development Annex, 6361 S. Stadium Lane in Katy, located across from the Merrell Center. RSVP at